Address Book  gives you a good facility for keeping a detailed entry of your contacts, you can compare it to your phone book. For entering details click on the entry option of the address book, which would allow you enter details like name, address, city, and contact no. Of your contact in different sections like the residence, office and communication.

SalutationSelect from list.
NameEnter name of contact. Maximum length allowing 40 characters.
GroupSelect group from list.
SexSelect from list.
Company nameMaximum length allowing 40 characters.
DesignationMaximum length allowing 30 characters.

Address Detail:

 Now click on address detail here you can see Residence, Office, and Communication. You can enter all detail by your requirement

AddressYou can enter address in three lines. Length of the each Address lines restricted to 30 characters.
CityLength of the City restricted to 25 characters.
StateLength of the State restricted to 25 characters.
Pin/ZipLength of the Pin/Zip restricted to 10 characters.
CountryLength of the Country restricted to 25 characters.
Type and DetailYou can enter any number of contact detail select your type and Enter Detail that particular type

Personal Detail:

Birthday DetailDate of birth: Enter date of birth here.
Remind me (Check box): Check mark than before entry is enable and table’s all entry is added in reminder entry automatically. And software reminds you every installment.
Anniversary DetailDate of Anniversary: Enter date of Anniversary here.
Remind me (Check box): Check mark than before entry is enable and table’s all entry is added in reminder entry automatically. And software reminds you every installment.


 You can add the photo of your contact if you have any.


 After saving all the details you can also search the entries by their initial letters. Invest Plus helps you maintain a flexible database of all your contacts and their details.

CategorySelect category from given list.
CriteriaSelect criteria from list.
Show All (Button)Click here for show report.
Description tableHere you get A to Z different window.
Every window has same detail like Name, Criteria, Type, and Contact Detail.
Print (Button)Click here to print particular detail.
Export to excel (Button)Click here to export detail in excel.