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Invest Plus Plugin for Futures and Options Bills Import
In order to import the statements of Futures and Options, you need to ensure that the plugin of that particular broker is available with you. Follow these quick steps to download plugins of the broker you want:
Go to the ‘Home’ tab in the software and from there, click on ‘F&O Bill’ and then select ‘Download Plugin’.

Alternatively, you can go to ‘Future and Option’ tab and then select ‘Download Plugin’ from ‘Import F&O Bill’ tab from the ‘Import’ section.

From Plugin Manager box that appears, click on ‘F&O Bill’ and select the name of the broker whose plugin you want to download and click on ‘Download’ button.

From the same Plugin Manager, any plugin can be deactivated by selecting the broker name and clicking on the ‘Deactivate’ button.
Check out the list of F&O brokers, the bills of which can be imported through Invest Plus.